The Ultimate Guide To Keeping Your AC Efficient, Economical, and Environmentally Friendly.



Your air conditioning system is an important part of your home that can be both costly to operate and harmful to the environment. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips that you can use to keep your air conditioning system running efficiently and economically. In this article, you will learn about the basics of an AC system, the top ten tips for saving electricity, and the environmental benefits of an efficient AC system. Whether you want to save money on your energy bills or simply want to ensure that your system is healthier for the environment, read on to find out more.

Understanding the Basics of an AC System

Air conditioning (AC) is a complex yet essential system for any home or office located in San Antonio. In order to keep your AC efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly, it is important to understand the basics of how this system works. An AC system is made up of several distinct components, all of which work together to keep your home cool. The components include the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system, the ducts, and the filters. The HVAC system is responsible for cooling air and redistributing it through the ducts. The ducts are used to transport the cooled air throughout the space and the filters help to regulate airflow and keep it out. Proper maintenance of all these components is critical in ensuring your AC is running efficiently, cost-effectively, and in an environmentally friendly manner. This includes regularly checking and replacing filters, as well as inspecting and cleaning out ducts. Regular maintenance and repairs can help to ensure your AC system is running optimally, reducing energy consumption and helping to keep the environment healthy.

Top Ten Tips for Saving Electricity and Money 

1. Schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Tuning up your air conditioning system annually can help keep it running efficiently and help you save money on utility bills. Read Our Article about Preventative maintenance for more info.

2. Change air filters regularly. Dirty air filters prevent AC systems from running efficiently. Change or clean your filter every month to keep the system running at its highest efficiency.

3. Maximize or minimize natural airflow. Open windows or doors that may allow cool air in on days when the weather outside is nicer than inside. Often times opening windows or doors on opposite sides of the building can help to create a draft and cool the space. When the weather outside is worse than indoors, make sure to close all doors and windows. Beyond that make sure there are no air gaps or holes as this will let in a tremendous amount of heat. Many windows and doors seem closed but have gaps and cracks that need to be sealed. 

4. Ensure proper insulation. Make sure that your attic, walls, and ducts are all properly insulated to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from entering.

5. Use a programmable thermostat. Install a programmable thermostat to control and monitor your AC settings. This will help you save energy by setting your AC to turn on and off at predetermined times.

6. Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans can help circulate air and make a room feel cooler without using extra energy. For proper settings and more info read our article on ceiling fans.

7. Clean your AC’s outdoor unit. Wipe down the outdoor unit of your AC regularly to keep it running efficiently. Turn your system off and open up the condenser and spray down the coil inside to remove any dirt or dust buildup that could be lowering your unit’s efficiency. 

8. Use curtains and blinds. Keep your curtains and blinds closed during the day to keep the sun’s heat from entering your home. It’s best to use blinds with some kind of insulating value, or radiant barrier.  If you can use a combination of both insulated blinds and thicker curtains to try and reflect as much heat back out of the space as possible. 

9. Seal up any leaks in the ducts of your home to prevent air from escaping into your attic and being wasted.

10. Use air filters with higher MERV ratings. Choosing air filters with higher MERV ratings will help trap particles from entering the air intake and reduce the speed and efficiency of your AC system.

HVAC Services

Beluga Air is your go-to source for keeping your air conditioning efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. Our knowledgeable technicians offer complete professional maintenance services that include inspecting and cleaning your system. Beluga Air has the tools and training necessary to diagnose any problems you may be having with your AC, and we’ll also provide replacement and repair services for any faulty parts. With our assistance, you can be sure your AC will remain in top condition and run as efficiently and economically as possible. You can rest assured that your AC meets all the standards of energy efficiency and eco-friendliness needed to help you save money and protect the environment.

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